
講義名 【休講】Strategic Mgt. B
講義開講時期 2学期 講義区分
基準単位数 2 時間 30.00
代表曜日 日曜日 代表時限 6時限

教育職員◎ ミロシュニック ヴィクトリア(国)グローバルビジネス学科

題目 Welcome to Strategic Management B (SM B) Course!
到達目標 This course aims to introduce students to the elements of the strategic management theory and process including environmental analysis, internal analysis, strategic choice, strategy and business policies formulation and implementation, focusing on strategies used by Japanese corporations.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
#1. Demonstrate the understanding of the concepts, framework and tools used for analyzing external & internal environment, particularly for leading Japanese companies (‘Knowledge’ learning target);
#2. Demonstrate the understanding of the value creation activities of the firms (‘Knowledge’ learning target);
#3. Demonstrate the ability to construct corporate-level, business-level and functional-level strategies and business policies of the firms in different competitive environments (‘Attitude’ learning target);
#4. Skills expected to be gained upon completion of this course (‘Skills’ learning target):
- Strategic Planning Skills;
- Formulation of Strategy Skills.
- Implication of Strategy Skills.
授業の概要と目的 Course structure is reflecting the following teaching & learning philosophy and methodology:
•Teaching & learning philosophy of the course is based on various forms of an Active Learning such as Project- Based Learning (PBL) and Cooperative Learning (CL);
•An integrated teaching & learning methodology will be adopted in this course as combination of theoretical basis (Lectures & readings across three modules: A, B and C) and practical implementation (industry based case studies analyses and the Final Course project);
•Various teaching & learning methods such as group debates and different teamwork activities are used in class to enhance the learning process for students.

Coding of the ‘Pre-class study’ and ‘Post-class study’ Learning Activities:
"1" as “Lecture Analysis “
"2" as “Textbook Analysis & Homework”

第1回Syllabus Introduction / Course structure: Modules A, B, and C/ Course Project Discussion/ Team Formationn/a1
第2回Module A: Lectures 2-4: Business Environmental Scanning: External & Internal Analysis21
第3回Case Study #1: Team Presentations & Discussions 21
第4回Assurance of Learning: Class Analyses & Module A Quiz21
第5回Module B: Lectures 5-7: Strategy Formulation: Corporate/Business/Functional level strategies21
第6回Case Study #2: Team Presentations & Discussions 21
第7回Assurance of Learning: Class Analyses & Module B Quiz21
第9回Module C: Lectures 9-11: Strategy Implementation: Organizing for Action/ Staffing 21
第10回Case Study #3: Team Presentations & Discussions 21
第11回Assurance of Learning: Class Analyses & Module C Quiz21
第12回SM in Action (advanced): Course Project Activities (Team presentations & Debates): Team 121
第13回SM in Action (advanced): Course Project Activities (Team presentations & Debates): Team 221
第14回Course Overview11
教科書 Suggested textbook:
“Strategic Management and Business Policy”12th Edition, by Thomas L. Wheelen and David L. Hunger, 2010; Publisher: Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: 013215322-X
参考文献 Students are encouraged to use library to get complete picture of the field by examining as much of the vast literature on this topic as possible, and in order to participate actively in class discussions students are expected to analyze the suggested reading materials:
- “Corporate Governance System of Japanese Multinational Companies: A Quantitative Evaluation” by Victoria W. Miroshnik and Dipak Basu, 2016; Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; ISBN: 978-981-3276-07-9
- Case studies by Harvard University & Ivey Publishing as well as from the textbook will be used in this course; details will be announced at the first class meeting;
- Readings from various sources, including popular business periodicals, Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles, will be used as per instruction from your professor; details will be announced at the first class meeting.
成績評価方法・基準 Participation in Discussions & Class Analyses: Related to the Learning Outcomes: #1, # 2, #3 and # 4: 20 %;,
Case Study Analyses & Critical reasoning: Related to the Learning Outcomes: #1, #2 and # 3: 20 %;
Midterm Exam: Related to the Learning Outcomes: #1, # 2, and # 3: 20 %;
Final Course Project (Report and Presentation): Related to the Learning Outcomes: #1, # 2, # 3, and #4: 40 % .
試験・課題に対するフィードバック Feedback on quizzes and exams will be provided one week later in class; feedback on the final presentation will be provided immediately by the end of the presentation in class.
履修の条件 Prerequisite / Recommendation: Completion of the " Strategic Management A" course
当該科目に関連する授業科目 “Strategic Management A” course;
Various basic courses in the domain of management.
使用言語 English

担当者からの一言 "Know thyself" Ancient Slavic Vedas
"Wonder is the beginning of Wisdom" Socrates
"Life is Joy. Enjoy your Life!" Victoria W. Miroshnik
授業外学習時間 As per university’s requirements, the suggested study time per class is 4.3 (4 hours and 18 minutes): Pre-class study: 2 hours and 9 minutes &
Post-class study: 2 hours and 9 minutes.

For this course, the average study time is 2 hours:
Pre-class study: 1 hour
Post-class study: 1 hour

Google Classroomクラスコード xv4nqxo
履修定員 設定人数
選抜方法(プルダウンから選択) 選抜要件(具体的に記入)