
講義名 Corporate Social Responsibility
講義開講時期 2学期 講義区分
基準単位数 2 時間 30.00
代表曜日 金曜日 代表時限 5時限

教育職員◎ 梅田 徹(国)国際学科

題目 Introduction to CSR or corporate social responsibility
到達目標 This course sets the following objectives.
1. Students should be able to understand what CSR is.
2, Students should be able to understand essential concepts concerning CSR.
3. Students should be able to talk about examples of typical CSR cases.

授業の概要と目的 To stimulate students' curiosity, introductory lectures will be provided for the first half classes with reading materials which students are required to read through in advance to each class, during which students are expected to select a topic or two on which they will further explore so that they will be able to make presentation on the topics in the latter half of the course.
第1回OrientationRead the syllabus to prepare for the course.Review what you have learned.
第2回Global corporate citizenshipRead the material provided.Review what you have learned.
第3回Market for virtueRead the material provided.Review what you have learned.
第4回What is corporate social responsibility?Read the material provided.Review what you have learned.
第5回Business case for CSRRead the material provided.Review what you have learned.
第6回Socially responsible investment or SRIRead the material provided.
Review what you have learned.
第7回Ethical consumptionRead the material provided.
Review what you have learned.
第8回Presentation by studentsPrepare for the presentations.Review what you have learned.
第9回Presentations by studentsPrepare for the presentations.Review what you have learned.
第10回Presentations by studentsPrepare for the presentations.Review what you have learned.
第11回Presentations by studentsPrepare for the presentations.Review what you have learned.
第12回Presentations by studentsPrepare for the presentations.Review what you have learned.
第13回Presentations by studentsPrepare for the presentations.Review what you have learned.
第14回Review of what you have learned in the course Read the material provided.Review what you have learned.
教科書 David Vogel, The Market for Virtue, Brookings Institution Press, 2005.
成績評価方法・基準 Comment form: 10 percent
Presentation: 40 percent
Paper: 50 percent
試験・課題に対するフィードバック Answers to questions raised in comment forms will be answered in the next class.
Papers submitted will be feedbacked with comments.
履修の条件 Students are expected to have some knowledge about business management, or at least be curious about corporate behaviors.
当該科目に関連する授業科目 企業と社会
使用言語 English
授業外学習時間 Students are required to spend a standard 4.3 hours for out-of-the-class work in this course.
Google Classroomクラスコード wjpyhu7
履修定員 設定人数
選抜方法(プルダウンから選択) 選抜要件(具体的に記入)